LPTJ Providing Gratis Comparison Corrections
Standard practice in press kits is to anticipate the approximate neighborhood of any comparisons an artist will draw, then double down on your wager. Your artist sounds like - legitimately really honest-to-goodness sounds like & invites comparisons to - Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band? Compare him to Springsteen instead, because Springsteen is the big fish in that pond. Your artists are copping moves from Psychocandy? Shoot the moon, young one-sheeter: compare them to the Velvets, invoke Phil Spector's Wall of Sound.
Do I have a specific artist in mind? Yeah, I do. Am I gonna get even more petulant than I already am about it and call them out by name? No, I'm not. Their press kit compares them to the Cure and Joy Division. LPTJ is here to call bullshit on that. This particular artist sounds like Cabaret Voltaire ca. The Voice of America (like, exactly like specific Cabaret Voltaire tracks from that era, specifically "Jazz the Glass"), and like Clock DVA, and generally like a whole lotta Sheffield stuff. Which is an awesome thing to sound like. And would be a lot more interesting name-drop than the nth Cure comparison this decade.
The same press kit uses the word "Brooklyn" three times in two paragraphs, at one point doing so twice in two lines, but that is a subject for another day.
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