...& dolls
No reason to drag this one out: Charlie McAlister has new songs up on his Myspace. We who've been following Chas for years are still having trouble getting our heads around the idea of Charlie having a Myspace, though it's kind of rad when you consider that saying "Myspace" now evokes the same prematurely-birthed nostalgic twinge that saying "Friendster" did circa 2007. All that's beside the point though, the point being, dude's got these five new songs up, and they're all better than all that stuff some of you people keep calling good or interesting when it's neither which you know as well as I do, by the way, and especially the one "Let's Go Out To Eat," first up on the page, song of the year easy, if you have a straight face and/or dry eyes at 00:52 then I don't know what to tell you other than "you aren't a human being and must be exterminated for the greater good of the planet," how can you tell when LPTJ is happy, by the comma splices, why do you ask.
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