feast day for the saints of confabulated referents
unless which mind you is entirely possible your stacks run deep,
you've never heard this --
and I haven't heard it in years:
I bought it
for a dollar
when I was a scruffy young
science fiction
didn't know who hawkwind was
didn't quite get what was going on
can still sing some of the songs though
that dude moorcock is a deeply weird singer
in your head
2010 continues along its unusual wallhanging tapestry way
I think I've heard more music I loved this year already
than I heard last year and the year before combined
lots of complex gimmick fighters coming through on the circuit
will explain
what that means
some other time
christofer johnsson
has a vision
it's not the vision he started with
which appalls people who loved therion
when their choruses were grander
their riffs starker
and when you didn't
under any circumstances
have a guy break in
with a harmonica
and then a guy with a flute
but I think it's opened up
onto a weird celluloid field
in which gleams
the new therion
honestly one of the finest albums I've heard
in a year when odd things hold me fastest
it reminds me of that deep fix album
both in terms of the scales johnsson's favoring
and the vibe he squeezes from them
I don't want to tell you too much about it
it'll be more fun if you go explore and make
your own peace with it
it will help
if you remember
that everything eventually refers
to things you heard once
and then
all about
until something conjured up
what was left of them
in you
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