Houston's 5th Ward: Which is getting exactly none of the props due to it for the South's continuing rap ascendance. The whole rap world is drinking from the South's pimp cup right now, and no challengers are visible from its perch high atop the charts. (Sure, OK, fine, there's always New York. I keep hoping the Bronx will reclaim its crown but Brooklyn has an iron grip. This, though, is a subject for a different election.) Respect! But even anti-backpackers gotta show love to their history. All those guys referencing "sizzurp" in their rhymes? DJ Screw, muthafukkaz! I suppose this sort of language will never get a notoriously crime-ridden neighborhood elected President. Still. Americans seem to like Texans; they can't seem to stop electing them. To you, then, America, with a cold eye on our present difficulties and hopeful eye toward the future, I say, in all sincerity: BushmotherfuckingwickmotherfuckingBill.