December 29, 2002 |
But I sat down tonight and told myself that I had to just do like
Sir Philip Sidney’s muse told him to do several centuries back
(“Fool, look in thy heart, and write”), and so
here we are, me wasting my time in front of the keyboard, you blissfully
unaware that anybody’s having any particular thoughts toward
you. I suppose the certainty that I am addressing my words to someone
who won’t be reading them affords me the luxury of this inexcusably
long preamble, for which I apologize. I will come directly to the
point, and state it plainly, as all those claw-your-way-to-the-top
self-help books one sees at airports all always advising me to do.
My point is this: Clear Channel stations should advise their
DJs to play Kalmah whenever they feel like it.
At least I think that’s my point. I have thought through several
possible scenarios, all of which we’ll address in a moment.
Indulge me. My thinking is this: we both know that Clear Channel’s
playlist is small & hermetic. By “small,” I mean that
it takes about three hours’ listening to have heard every song
that’s currently in rotation, and by “hermetic”
I mean that getting a song placed on the playlist is so hard to do
that “independent promoters” are rumored to spend Midas-level
sums of money just to buy their clients a week in the “C”
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