As regular readers of Last Plane to
Jakarta know, we write almost exclusively about records we really
like. Mainly we try to restrict ourselves to records we dont
just like, but about which we are a little fanatic. Every so often
well write about a record that we think has timeless stamped
on its forehead. This is all well and good. But when it comes down
to writing about your very favorite bands, what is there to say? They
changed my life, Their lyrics seem as vital and alive
to me as the Sermon on the Mount must seem to a good Christian,
I cannot imagine who I would be if I had not been lucky enough
to risk ten bucks on their album one summer day in 1984 -- sure,
fine. But these are all subjective accounts which, while they may
lead to entertaining monologues if we all get lucky, contain little
in the way of useful information. |