Musicians who play Phish-like loose rock improvisations are constantly railing against categorization as though it were some kind of sin against art or something, and of course it’s a natural impulse for an artist to think that his own work is somehow outside of any category into which it might be placed. But the fact of the matter, from the listener’s side, is that categorization is a big part of the fun. Knowing the specific nomenclature of a given genre allows one to feel the unique pleasure of having not only the God-given right to discuss a given subject, but the qualification to do so. The more categories into which you can break something down, the qualified you’ll be, when the time comes, to tell some blowhard that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You can experience this pleasure even in the privacy of your home: “A fitting addition to any trance collector’s library,” some critic writes in Rolling Stone or Spin. “Provided he doesn’t actually care whether it’s trance or tech-step,” you sniff. Ah -- how glorious to be an asshole!

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