
Elgar, Violin Concerto, Simon Rattle conducting the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra with Nigel Kennedy on violin. Nigel Kennedy is something of an ass (who now prefers to just be called “Kennedy”: yecch), but his particular gift for finding the emotional heart of things is miraculous. I liked the young Nigel Kennedy just fine, but the older model has a Shumskyesque feel for tone. I have a feeling I am talking to exactly no-one at this point. That’s cool, I guess. At any rate this is a great record. Kennedy revisits a piece he originally recorded in 1984, describing the new version in the liner notes as “more emotional, less by-the-numbers.” Emotional yes. But not to a fault. Great performances find emotion stirring at the heart of relentlessly unforgiving design. This is one of them.

10:30 a.m.: Persons Attack the Scene, self-titled album. The instrumental stuff I could do with out, but the songs with vocals toward the end have a post-punk appeal to them and a weird sexless feel that’s intriguing. Unquestionably a terrific band name.

10:52: Kimya Dawson, My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess. Great, of course. I assume everybody reading this knows how amazing Kimya Dawson is. This album’s first song, “Chemistry,” has my favorite lyric of the year. After a long list of general and specific truths, she sings: “…and my family and my friends and all the little kids that love me make me strong/and no matter how this ends, I know I’ll never, ever, ever be alone.” It gives me the chills just typing it out. Everybody should just buy this record right now. Okay thanks.

4:40 p.m. Listened to Kimya Dawson for the rest of the day and got pretty deep into it: she’s the real thing. But then somebody pointed out Marissa Marchant to me. I assume everybody knows about Marissa Marchant by now. Gosh, but her lyrics are awful.

8:35 p.m. After dinner, listened to My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess one mo’ time. Yes, it’s that great. Then I got a hunger for to get my chill on, yet without too heavy a chillosity factor. Peanut Butter Wolf’s Jukebox 45’s CD presently soothing & gently rocking the house. Ohhhh. Yeahhhhh.


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