
I have taken a liking to eating rice for breakfast. While washing out the pot this morning, I put on a record with a great title: The Love of Everything’s Total Eclipse of the Heart. At first I thought the guy was just making fun of Bright Eyes, but toward the middle of the album I can hear that he’s got his own thing going on. Kind of good, too! I am very wary about its super-outsider stance, though. The line between cloying and charming usually relies on the listener’s good will for its very existence. This treads the Jad Fair/Daniel Johnston axis, but not without some very moving success: “The kiss is short/the night is long/the guilt goes on and on”? Great stuff, that.

Diabolic’s Infinity Through Purification again. It fucking shreds.

Spent the rest of the day listening to something about which I’m writing a big, long piece that’ll be published on Christmas Day, about which I’m really excited. (Not published here, by the way. I’ll let you know about it.)


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