NB This week's column is not, repeat not, calling out anybody in particular. Everybody keep they pants on. Thank you.
The problem is entirely me. Which is to say, the problem is all of us. Which is to say, the problem is us guys who are in reality the only ones aware of one another's existence. Which is to say that there is not actually a problem.
I know all that sounds kinda opaque. It isn't meant to sound that way, but when I got done stitching it all together like that, it sounded like a much more accurate version of what I wanted to say than much longer explications of its central theme would have. Would have done. Asterisk sigh asterisk. I do not believe that there is actually a problem, and I do not believe that the tension is productive. Nobody has any idea what I'm talking about and it's not going to get a whole lot clearer.