But to bring it down to the level of a f'rexample. Music blogs came late to the idea that Proper Pop Music, the kind without pretensions to Significance or Meaning or Value, is Really And Truly The Best Kind Of Music. This idea, if it really exists and has currency which it may not & I am open to the suggestion that it doesn't, yet must I say that it certainly seems to me as though this were an active meme travelling merrily throughout the memeosphere, dates back to Plautus by my reckoning, though my methods of reckoning are admittedly radical (albeit unassailable if you really give them a chance). By anybody else's reasonable reckoning, though, it's still extremely Warhol of y'all to get all Popular Equals Meaningful about shit. Only when I say "Warhol" I want to put about ten sets of quotation marks on either side of it — """"""""""Warhol"""""""""" — because I think his un-underestimateable spearheading of this notion has yet to be fully unpacked.

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