IF YOUVE GOT ANY RECORD COLLECTOR in you, you have probably got an unruly number of cassettes, and they are probably tucked into various corners of the house. Perhaps, like my friend Peter, you have spent some time coming up with architectural modifications that will allow your house to accommodate your fixation. Perhaps, like me, you start dreaming up storage schemes but give up quickly, because while you were busy thinking about where to keep your stuff, they came up with more stuff for you to buy, and your storage ideas are now insufficient for the volume of new stuff that youll shortly be acquiring and are, moreover, uninteresting next to the prospect of just running out and getting more stuff. When the scourge of cassettes becomes too great, you just throw them in bags or boxes or lexans and tuck them in any spare space you can locate: attics, closets, behind bookshelves, underneath computer desks. |
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