But hopeless is our middle name here
at Last Plane to Jakarta, and when we got a jiffy bag with
a couple of cassettes and a two-page press kit in it about six weeks
ago, we were thrilled. We could hardly believe it, to tell you the
truth. There was something magical about it. Our age is the age of
cheaply available digital technology; yet here was a band ignoring
the obvious (CDs are cheaper) and the glaringly obvious (CDs are popular)
and sending out tapes of its newest album, a release, as it turns
out, available exclusively on cassette, entitled Ocean. Its
by an ensemble that has boldly leapt into the worst-band-name-ever
sweepstakes with one of the most daring and outré entries
to date: the band is called, brace yourself, therefore. All
lower-case and with a period afterwards. therefore. (Its too
late for therefore., but in case anybody else is tempted to give their
band a comparably awful name, please do write to Last Plane to
Jakarta and we will name your band for you. If not for yourselves,
then do it for the children. Thank you.) The mind reels. |