So I went spelunking through the stacks, and the idea was that I’d report back to you on some weird unheard-of thing I dug out of the cabinet-full-of-CDs that stands imposingly by the kitchen door, but that wasn’t what happened. I found some Chicago post-rock instrumental stuff that didn’t do anything for me, and I found Tcheud by Lama Karta, which is Buddhist chanting, and that should have done the trick, only I’m all 20th-Century-Make-It-Plain-To-Me Guy, and if you actually had a recording of the Voice of God, I’d have to hear it through top-of-the-line studio monitors to really get converted. I thought about My Bloody Valentine, but I didn’t want pop drone, and I thought about Long Wires in Dark Museums, but I wanted something way, way out there. I didn’t want museums: I wanted caves.

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