recording was made by Brian Patterson of the Navy Sofar Laboratory in Bermuda
(now called the Lamont Geophysical Field Station). He heard these sounds
from a hydrophone
far off shore in deep water. They are speeded up here so that they are an
octave too high. The reason we must do this is that in reality they are
so low they would be inaudible to most people if played normally. As it
is, even in this speeded up form you must use a good audio system to hear
them at all and when you do you will more feel than hear them. Incidentally,
even though these sounds were exceedingly loud in nature, you will hear
them better if you slightly increase the volume for this selection. The
problems of cutting records are such that low sound cannot be recorded at
the same intensity as sounds in more normal human ranges, and as there are
no instruments that play such low notes, records are not usually challenged
to reproduce sounds as low as these.