Fellow baseball enthusiasts will have noted that, in the wake of the attack on the World Trade Center, they’ve taken to having "God Bless America" sung during the seventh-inning stretch at games. We here at Last Plane to Jakarta are not going to go too deeply into the subject of the patriotic urge; while we share with many of our peers a natural distaste for the sort of schlock that that asserts itself every time a country finds itself engaged in hostilities (any country, mind you; so very many national anthems set bad poetry to plodding rah-rah musical backdrops; "God Bless America" is not especially awful, and it must be said that "the oceans, white with foam" is at least a nice phrase, if not a toweringly original one), we also understand the genuine human need for a sense of unity in threatening times. There are worse things than a large crowd of people taking a moment to try to share the same feeling, even if the feeling in question may tend toward the maudlin.

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