Knives Out, though, has no enemies; or, if it does,
it is its own worst one. Its just a song, for heavens
sake. It will not cure or cause cancer, and it will not start or stop
any wars anywhere. What it can do, and what it does do, is give me
a chill so deep that it kept me awake nights when I was first getting
my head around Amnesiac. Like Morning Bell, which
well be getting around to in a week or two, its a break-up
song; like Morning Bell, the break-up in question seems
more like divorce than a simple parting of ways. There is too much
bitterness, too great a sense of there being something really big
at stake, for this to be a simple you-go-your-way-Ill-go-mine
song. It is too hideous for that..
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