whether you like this week's piece or
not is gonna depend on which last plane to jakarta you like: the
one where where I write in these really long sentences that seem
like they're never going to get anywhere and then surprise you when
they do, or else they don't and then you're not surprised you're
mad & frankly I can't blame you; OR the one where I try to cram
as much feeling and information into as little space as I possibly
can because the feeling I'm getting off of the music I'm engaged
with tells me that to overstate the case will amount to selling the
music short
if you like the long sentences version, that opening paragraph was
for you. and now, the rest of you, gather 'round:
new age music is going to save your soul
that was originally an album title that I didn't wind up using (I
called the album "we shall all be healed" instead) but little did
I know that it would turn out to be true. at the time I came up with
the title I meant Kitaro or Steve Roach or whoever, you know, the
guys in the immersion tanks |