13. The Jesus Lizard, “Mouth Breather.” I’ve already gone on about this one at quite some length in the most recent print edition of Last Plane to Jakarta. It is pure beyond pure: I knew it was what I wanted next, but didn’t know which song it was that I wanted. I just had the riff. “What song is this?” I said to the webmonster, and then I made some truly embarrassing guitar noises with my tongue, teeth and lips. “Somebody from Chicago,” she said. “Is it the Jesus Lizard?” I said. After some debate, we concluded that it was. And here we are.

14. High On Fire, title unknown. It’s the second song on their upcoming album, anyhow; the advance copy I have doesn’t tell me the title. The Jesus Lizard, about whom you probably already knew something, paved the way for us to try sneaking a little of our metal fixation into things while there was still time. High On Fire are one of the best bands in the world, if not the best; they’re Matt Pike’s new band, which should mean something to you if you’re at all sympathetic to the Huge Drone That Precedes Creation. High On Fire has more spiritual kinship to Adam & the Ants than to Pike’s previous outfit, Sleep; they are to the present state of musical affairs what fire is to dry wood. Awesome.

15. Darkane, “Emanation of Fear.” This song goes on every mix I make no matter what, so it was only a matter of time here. Darkane are from Sweden, and they’ve got a whole lot of energy to burn, and they’ve got access to a lot of really expensive sound equipment. When I say “new heavy metal,” this is what I mean.
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