16. Super Furry Animals, “Sidewalk Serfer Girl.” Every mix has an original impetus, which is usually submerged: some point from which the entire project originates, which tries to conceal itself and usually does so fairly successfully, since a one-song mix tape would be pretty lame. Our impetus today was to see if Super Furry Animals were anywhere near as good as people are saying they are. On the evidence of the two songs here, they are: this one in particular is a glimmering cubic zirconia of a song, all multi-faceted artifice with its heart buried too deep for anyone to find it. Magnificent, gorgeous, incapable of concealing itself. Once we meant something by it, and now here we are.

As with all mixes, there can’t really be any conclusion to it; what is there at the end of a mix tape, other than the sense that somebody was trying to say something and failed? So it is here. The original point had something to do with the submerged sense of menace in Super Furry Animals, but where did we wind up? Right back where we started. There are some exciting metal CDs out about which I’ll tell you soon. In the meantime hit Audiogalaxy and see what you think of the songs we’ve been listening to tonight. We’ll see you next week.
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