But for once, gentle reader, you need not take my word for it. John Vanderslice is firmly entrenched in the mp3-changes-everything camp, and the entirety of Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is available for download here, compressed but not too tightly. The song I’ve just listened to eight times in a row is here, but if you’ve got a fast enough connection, I’d recommend the whole album; it’s free, after all. It is wonderfully baroque — in its phrasings, in its construction, in its conceit — and it lays the groundwork for Vanderslice’s solo stuff, which just gets more & more complicated every time you play it. It is lovely, and very strongly informed by the pop music of the late 1960s, and shot through with a disturbingly weightless kind of sadness — the kind you don’t notice until you’ve been carrying it around a while. It’s simple indie rock with something hidden away inside itself. It is a little more intricate than all that, though. It’s complex. For which let us be grateful for once. Or twice. Or more.
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