But the point, anyhow, was this: Statement B, If it’s not immediately accessible, it isn’t any good, is not a necessary consequence of Statement A, Whether something’s good or not has nothing to do with how easy it is to grasp. It isn’t even close to a necessary consequence. It’s a possible ripple, sure, but more likely it’s a reflexive move by people who, upon recognizing the truth of Statement A, get so happy about it that they go overboard. This line of thinking leads to people contending that if you’ve listened to something once and you didn’t get anything out of it, then there’s no need to listen two or three more times to see if you might have missed something. It equates instant gratification with virtue on the rather shaky grounds that there’s nothing necessarily wrong with being instantly gratified. And then you have people saying that Neil Peart is a shitty drummer or something, and that shit just doesn’t fly.
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