Thom Yorkes falsetto. If you listen to Radioheads first
album, Pablo Honey, which I cant really recommend you
do, youll hear a decided U2 influence. Radiohead are by now
so vastly superior to U2 that to even bring up the similarity is painful,
but its important to be honest: Thom Yorke probably got the
idea to sing falsetto from Bono, who believes that he has a great
falsetto and whose fans encourage him in this belief. I am going to
give it to you straight: Thom Yorkes falsetto kicks Bonos
right out of the ring. Morrisseys falsetto isnt much good
next to Yorkes either. The main reasons for this are twofold:
first, Yorkes voice goes falsetto rather lower in the register
that Bonos, which often sounds like a man imitating a little
girl, or Morrisseys, which sounds like a man imitating an operatic
soprano. Yorkes falsetto also convincingly emulates a speaker
drifting out of a two-way conversation into a monologic reflection
-- he sounds, I mean, like hes singing to himself, as you might
have if you were a young boy desperately alone. He doesnt sound
like hes showing off; he sounds like hes drifting away.
It is a simply beautiful sound, Thom Yorkes falsetto. If you
listen to it right, it will make you want to cry. |