10. The Sisters of Mercy, “Walk Away.” It was either this or the Tupac song that I’d meant to extol in the first place, and with the iBook showing no signs of life the thought of trying to reignite my initial inspiration has become depressing, so what you get is a demo of the first single off First and Last and Always. A demo! This from a band who’d been successfully releasing their own singles and mounting whole U.S. tours off the backs of them for several years at the time. You can hear it: how tired they were of finding themselves in Dallas without enough scratch to spring for a hotel room, how sick they were of not being able to bring their own soundman along with them, how solid they’d become as a band. Eldritch is hardly even trying and he still nails the climactic verse to the floor with his trademark croaky rust-spitting vocal nails. Tinnily savage and quietly grandiose, and easily worth several minutes of a dwindling Sunday night. Which we hope will finish dwindling sooner rather than later and just die already. Bring on Monday. We await it with open arms.
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