Come now, good children: is this not the sweet wine of blind rage? For me the misplaced commas just add fuel to the fire. Add such poetry to the simply wonderful crunch-guitar and ball-bearings-in-a-blender beats and you’ve got yourself a recipe for success. Angelic Encounters is to death metal what a running back is to the football team: the one who came to play, who’s not interested in being the biggest or the baddest or the highest name on the marquee. (That’s why Ricky Williams has had such a hard time in New Orleans, you know: he’s got all the makings of a star athlete, but all he wants to do is run the ball. He’s expected to make the highlight reel; he’s only interested in putting his head down and running directly through the defensive line. People didn’t change their expectations of him, and pressure does weird things to a person. Of course, it doesn’t help that the glaze over his eyes suggests that he’s either a little crazy or well on his way there.) They don’t aspire to be heard of outside of death metal circles, and they don’t set their sites on dethroning the current overlords. They just want to rock ‘til they drop, and if everybody else on this worthless planet drops in the process, well, all the better.
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