Come that day, there will be speakers on all the telephone poles of the cities, like there are or used to be in the Pomona Mall, which, truth to tell, freaked me out pretty good once when I was young. Probably the first thing people will want to play through these speakers will be a little Elmore James, which is more than cool with me as how are you gonna fault a guy for wanting to listen to some Elmore James while he eats his barbeque-sauce-and-cheese sandwich. After that it’ll probably be the Allman Brothers for about three days, and all the toxins festering in the atmosphere will thereby be cleansed utterly and we shall all walk out into the newness of our transformed world. There will probably be call for plenty of Duke Ellington, which is plenty groovy. But once people get finished with the indispensables, they’re going to look for something new with which to greet the Rising Age of Barbeque Sauce, and what they’re going to land on is this latest album by Comets on Fire.
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