Even good pop music, whose whole point is the simulation of joy, never comes as close to actually getting elbows-deep in ecstasy as the Germs did at their best. Because the Germs, unlike the pop bands, were genuinely lost in music when they were at their high tide. They were so lost that they sounded like they’d never find their way back from wherever it was they were. Well: the same thing’s true of Eyehategod. They sound like they’re not really part of whatever daily reality most of us are experiencing. They sound, in the Christian phrase, like they’re in this world but not of it. And you can’t get quite this otherworldly while maintaining any pretentions toward cute intellectual posturing, either. You can’t be spending your time making sure that all the smart people know you’re smart, too. You just have to drink a whole lot of whiskey and trust that your intelligence will somehow manage to fight its way through the squall of feedback and bass cabinet hum.

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