Yes, we see it all about
to happen, and we feel ourselves privy to a special event, here at
the spinning center of the wheel, at the middle of Nowhere in time,
and then we see our vision brought to an ugly and abrupt halt, because
that isnt really how it pans out. Instead, the pitcher for the
Cavemen throws directly at Vidros head, and hits him, too. Vidro
would drop if the Cavemens pitcher had decent stuff, but he
doesnt, being a guy whos never even seen a baseball before
today. But when Vidro rushes the mound, we are reminded that while
the Expos may undeniably be the better baseball team, the Cavemen
are far more seasoned in the art of mayhem. The fight that breaks
out on the pitchers mound is dreadfully brief. As Testimonial
Ruins, the final song on this magnificent Gorguts album, unpeels
its various layers of droning feedback-laden chords, strange quasi-Middle-Eastern
figures, and scary-ass double kickdrum action, the Cavemens
pitcher headbutts Vidro, forehead-to-nose. There is blood everywhere.
As Vidro raises his hands to protect himself, the Cavemens pitcher
strikes again, this time with his fists.