“Sweet jumping Christmas,”
he’s saying; maybe there’s a guest off to his left, nodding
knowingly. “Have you even heard this new Nile album?
Holy fuck, dude, this is awesome.” We switch
from Camera #2 to Camera #1, so that Matthews is addressing the audience
directly. “You can say what you will about the state of heavy
metal, you can call it stagnant if you want, you can complain about
how all the fun’s gone out of it now that everybody’s
found out where the party’s at, but I’ll tell you this:
if you can find a band in any genre that’s got even
a fraction of the creative energy that Nile’s got, I will personally
drink this entire bottle of bleach,” at which point he produces
the three-gallon Economy Size Clorox which distresses a large number
of viewers and which subsequently costs him major bargaining points
when his contract comes up for renogotiation. |