What’s also remarkable, though, is that comparable care has been taken with the big-label records in the stack. The covers appear to have been designed by a department with its eye on posterity. The same cannot be said of the CDs that I haul into this house by the wheelbarrowful week after week. With the exception of some of the metal albums (you should see the limited edition of Immortal’s Sons of Northern Darkness, which I personally do not own although I know somebody who knows somebody who does: it weighs over 16 ounces), they are all quite hideous.
They parade their own meaninglessness as if it were a virtue; they advertise their own ultimate worthlessness. One has to struggle to get involved with them; my own struggle to do so, this week, has returned me again and again to the stack of LPs by the stereo: proof positive that when sound recordings came in bigger packages, greater care was taken with their presentation. Well! Something must be done.

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