Leave it to the jackasses upstairs at MTV to fuck up a good thing, of course. After M2’s crowning accomplishment -- showing every last video in the MTV library alphabetically by title over the course of the first four months of the year 2000 -- they began to wilt a little. Veejays became a more regular fixture. They started dragging cameras into the CMJ festival and “interviewing” bands, like anybody cares what bands have to say about anything. One particular veejay, Jancee Dunn, seemed to be on all the time, using the dreadful Gen-X faux-
interrogative preemptive-strike-against-the-risk-of-sounding-sincere forced pause in the middle of, and upward tonal lilt at the end of, every single sentence she ever uttered -- sometimes making as many as two or three unbearable pauses within an otherwise uncomplicated sentence, so that a person watching seriously contemplates putting a brick through the television because you just know the satisfaction would be worth the cost: “And now? We’re going to see...a video? By...They Might Be Giants? A great...band? From...right here in New York?”

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