Having successfully conditioned myself, though, I found myself pretty enthused to find a package from Megalon waiting for me recently. It was by a band who once was called “Thee Shallows,” though a sticker on the sleeve alerts the listener, who probably could not care a whit less, that “for legal reasons, we are now Thee More Shallows.” I would have gone with “The Shallots” myself, but that’s just me. Anyhow, they sound kind of like Low but with a much heavier krautrock bent, and the press kit explains how they recorded all these songs between the hours of midnight and nine a.m., which, as press kit ephemera goes, is actually kind of a cool piece of information. They’ve got great song titles: “A History of Sport Fishing” (the title track, as it happens), “I Do So Have a Sense of Humor,” and “The CruXXX” all being worthy of mention, though all wilt in the glaring heat of the name of the album’s penultimate number, “He Hate Me,” which refers to a recent piece of sports trivia so truly arcane that the speed at which it is vanishing from the public memory is enough to make you lightheaded.
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