Let me tell you a story. Ill try to keep it short. This morning
I was at work. I work with children; the children I work with have
various problems, but they are good kids. Most of them come from homes
whose adult figures still had a lot of growing up to do when they
became parents, and so by the time the children come to live where
I work theyve usually had to spend lots of time entertaining
themselves while their narcissistic parents attended to their own
needs. They entertain themselves by watching TV or fucking shit up,
mainly, and thats why they wind up in a more restrictive environment.
They all love music, but nobodys ever spent any time at all
talking to them about it, so theyre usually rather passive listeners.
Passivity is my enemy, so when the kids were doing their housecleaning
chores this morning while the radio played and I heard Ozzy Osbournes
Over and Over come on the radio, I had a sudden flash
of recognition and saw an opportunity to actually do some good for
once. Hey, you guys! I yelled. Its Ozzy!
Even ten-year-old boys whose idea of rebellious music is the universally
despised and perennially Last-Plane-disparaged Papa Roach know that
Ozzy is wicked awesome, and they all spotted a chance to walk away
from their chores for a second, so we all gathered in the living room
while I turned the radio up as high as it would go. |
