What can you do? I started lip-synching. There’s five kids, and I quickly told them all what air-instruments to play; I relinquished the vocals, telling a semi-mulleted boy to just move his lips and that’d do fine, and I handed him a fake microphone. We had three air-guitarists, one air-bassist, my #1 kid on the vocals and me behind an invisible eleven-piece drumkit. They grinned like they’d just been told that somebody was going to erase the years of abuse and neglect and ill-treatment that had brought them to live in the building where I work. We jumped around the room like frogs, and we rocked until we dropped. The vocalist was so inspired that he spent much of the rest of the day making himself a fake guitar out of abandoned cardboard boxes, entirely on his own initiative with no suggestions or help from anybody. He got the idea because playing air guitar to Ozzy made him want to do something constructive.

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