Well, yes and no. The question we face with the bands whose records are presently rocking me to hell is: “Hey, are these guys nazis?” And this is a question that can be shrugged off only by the very young or by the despicably & willfully jaded. There are plenty of them -- nazis, I mean -- in black metal; death metal’s preference for straight-up putrefaction over politics is one of the reasons why death metal kicks black metal’s ass. (The other reason is that death metal is, y’know, like, just better.) It’s hard to say what came first -- the desire to shock the gentry, or the attraction to the gentry-shocking political stance, but whatever the case, by 2002 there are a whole bunch of black metal guys who express their infatuation with some of Hitler’s sillier ideas by writing about old Norse epics (which in and of themselves are quite cool), and by sketching us vs. them apocalyptic scenarios that hint darkly at a pretty foul-smelling xenophobia.
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