Now, I can’t say with
any authority whether you’d like this album, or whether I’ll
still like it as much as I do right now, when I’m still being
seized by sporadic fits of sobbing over Calvus, and Rob, and my friend
Joel, who went in for surgery this morning. But I have simply got
to tell you this much: right now, Bemusement is doing exactly what
one-man 4-track singer-songwriter albums always claimed to do: it
is establishing a level of intimacy with me, and meeting me right
where I live. It sounds like a person doing his damndest to make
something beautiful, and succeeding much of the time. Sometimes the
singing seems a little willfully precious; sometimes he deliberately
mispronounces a word to force it to fit a song’s rhythm, and
you all know how much I hate that. But his melodies are lovely, and
his lyrics evoke the wonder that we feel at the world when we look
at it through fresh, wide-awake eyes, and his whole project is rich
with the melancholy that comes from knowing that your sense of wonder
is doomed from the very second that you refer directly to it. But
he’s holding on: God love him: he’s holding on with both
hands, singing about how the stars are shining brightly over Chicago & about “wonders,
marvels and miracles” & sprinkling in occasional seventh-chords
to offset the one-four-five. And it moves me. |