Except that, as
always, our initial instincts reveal themselves on inspection to have been
governed more by prejudice than open-eyed evaluation, and weve been
deceived by appearances despite our loud insistence that we only judge things
on their own merits. This month, Projekt, a goth label,
reissues a frankly stunning piece of music called Structures From Silence
by a guy named Steve Roach, whos so New Age that the Yoga Journal
has named this very CD one of the top 10 meditative albums of all time.
Quit guffawing now and listen up, because this record is way cool, and if
you let your visions of guys with ponytails keep you from hearing this album,
youre missing out. Its got a purple computer-generated billowing-curtain
thing on its cover, and its only got three songs on it, which their
creator probably wouldnt call songs at all but pieces
or, lets hope not, works.