All this is awfully purple, I know; perhaps my initial resistance to instrumental music has more to do with how difficult it is to write about the stuff. I can describe the instrumentation (guitars, violins, keys) and I can talk about the overall sound (recorded on an eight-track, it is enriched by a less-than-full bottom end and a decidedly unorthodox emphasis on the high-middle), but in the end there’s just this thing that doesn’t explore scales, or find a theme and repeat variations, or pay tribute to the great composers that came before it. It just seethes, and rather darkly, too. Lineaments is the latest in what is proving to be a very interesting, exquisitely satisfying public journey by a guy named Steven R. Smith into the heart of his muse. I think when he gets to the center of all this he’s going to find himself at the axis of some pretty knotty emotional terrain -- the track on this record called “Artesia” is as spooky as the older, quieter songs on Einsturzende Neubauten records, which generally speaking aren’t a bad indication of where Smith is coming from -- and I think that’s terrific. Because I can chill out to this stuff and then get up feeling like I just watched three Dario Argento movies in a row. Which I would in fact now do if it were not high time that I got myself some sleep. I will see you next week.
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