Trying to find the center of Amnesiac is a tricky business.
By the center, I mean the point at which all the various
moods and movements of an album intersect; the song that sounds most
representative of the album. Its not always the best song (to
use the inevitable Pink Floyd comparison: Shine on You Crazy
Diamond is pretty unarguably the center of Wish You Were
Here, but the title track is a much better song; sos Have
a Cigar, for that matter), though it seems to work out that
way fairly often. I wish that the center of Amnesiac were the
albums first song, Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin
Box; one could look at it as a simple alienation parable if
it were. But Packt Like Sardines is a spark from the fire
at the albums center, where things are pretty damned scary.
I wouldnt mind, either, if the center were Knives Out;
then the songs heart, which is awful and ugly, might be a little
more bearable. But Knives Out, which I fear having to
examine any more closely than I have to even though its the
next one in line, is a sunken pit within the overall roadmap of the
album: it is not the center, but the great and terrible dead end.
How an album -- how any effort -- can survive its own depths is the
very miracle of creation itself, and is why so many great works seek
out the dark places within once-bright things.