Fitting, then, that it’s one of the songs Radiohead have made a video for. It’s here and it’s as frightening as the song itself: the little monster hanging his head makes me want to cry, and I don’t care who knows it. More important than the New Archetypes that populate and haunt the frame, though, is Yorke’s address-the-camera lipsynch of the song. If it doesn’t frighten you at least a little, then you haven’t spent much downtime at the bad end of a relationship. His hands flailing near the lens, his sudden smile-to-scowl shifts, his pacing of the floor: authenticity is a question I almost never bring up, but at some level, he really means this stuff, or else he is a monster, which amounts to the same thing. To put a song like “I Might Be Wrong” at the center of things alerts us, not so gently as “Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors,” that while we are not in a non-narrative nothingscape like Kid A, we are not walking toward any happy ending, either. I don’t particularly want to think about what’s waiting for us at the end. I don’t think it’s going to be very pretty. I might be wrong. I might be wrong.
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