On the third night of this year’s Yo Yo a Go Go festival, the scheduled acts were the Moools, the Mountain Goats, Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her, the Evaporators, and the Tight Bros from Way Back When. The Moools and Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her are Japanese bands; Japanese bands have a way of elevating the level of play by turning in rock-solid, fiery performances devoid of the unfortunate bored-to-be-here affect that plagues so many American bands. The Moools were especially great; their new songs show real growth, and their lead singer and guitarist moonwalked in between verses at one point. You really can’t go wrong with the moonwalk. Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her is an all-girl trio, dressed to the nines in heels and short skirts and representing Tokyo-style with the fuzzy guitar and burn-down-the-house garage-rock sloganeering. For me to comment on the Mountain Goats would be unseemly, since I am the sole member of the band, though I will say that I had more fun onstage than I have had in some time, and that the audience was better than terrific. The Tight Bros closed the evening, and I’m sure it was wonderful, but by the time the Evaporators were finished the room was pretty well spent. Why?

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