It’s not long down a list like that where I start to feel religious: have I been wrong this whole time? Is drum ‘n’ bass a genre I ought to immerse myself within until I have a keen sense of even its most subtle shadings? Have I given Eurotrance the short schrift? Is Kurtis Mantronix actually great God almighty? Is it not the case that I am not the kind of person who listens to this kind of thing? Fortunately for all concerned, I have ready access to rule #1: the secret to enjoying good music is amnesia. The Lawrence album stands up nicely on its own without supporting documentation. Critics not in possession of rule #1 might say something along the lines of “if you only buy one dance album this year, make it Lawrence’s self-titled CD on the Ladomat label.” Screw that. Forget what you thought you knew about dance music and listen to Lawrence. Forgetting is everything. Ignorance is bliss.
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