I want to tell you about how great the new album by Electric Wizard is: how Electric Wizard, alone in a now-crowded field, capture the bleak essence of what early Black Sabbath was all about. I want to tell you that if you know how great High on Fire is (and you do, don’t you? I mean you must; they’re Matt Pike’s new band, he was in Sleep, the band responsible for Jerusalem, one of the best contract kiss-offs in the history of the music industry, and, quite apart from the lore surrounding it, one of the most remarkable albums you’ll ever hear), then you’ve got to get hip to Let Us Prey, the new one by Electric Wizard. It is truly spectacular downer-metal. Like so many good records, it will take you by the hand and lead you to a very special place, and once you get there, it will get you really, really high. And then it will feed you an entire box of Twinkies.
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