But surely you are sick to death of hearing about stoner rock. Everybodys
got a stoner rock band now; the Queens of the Stone Age get a little
video airplay and suddenly everybody likes Mudhoney (whose new one
is pretty damned great, by the way). What can I say about Electric
Wizard that a hundred critics havent already said about a dozen
less-deserving stoner rock bands? They are heavier than their peers.
They are locked into the logic of the drone, which is more dynamic
than its most conservative proponents will admit but more prescriptive
than its hard-partying hangers-on would like. They remind me of the
Dead C but I cant quite tell you how because they sound almost
nothing like them. When they break out the piano and the strings on
the fifth song it makes me wish I could supervise the release of a
new print of The Omen with an alternate soundtrack. In black
& white. And with no end-credits. I love movies with no end-credits. |