Now, the neat part is this: while the preceding description has probably made it sound as though Fly Ashtray just throws nine different inchoate song-parts at a wall and hopes they’ll cohere, the wonderful, wonderful truth of the matter is that these almost-microscopic sections flow so effortlessly into one another that you’ d never notice just how many different things were going on if you didn’t slow things down to take a closer look. It’s nifty; it’s playful. It’s fun. It proposes a world in which music is not a didactic but a participatory science in which there is infinite room for variation and all rules are fluid. You can’t get famous practicing such a subtle art; you can barely even get noticed doing it. Certainly, there’s nobody up in the EMI offices who’s going to pay you twenty-eight million clams to go and do it somewhere else. But there’s a guy in New York who’s doing it anyway, some seventeen times over in the present volume, and it’s a total kick in the pants.
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