Some of youve probably got
the idea by now that Fly Ashtray sing about Vieques or the diminishing
rainforest, which they dont, though I do wish that those of
you for whom decrying social and ecological injustice seems inherently
boring would just swallow mercury right now and have done
with it. No, Fly Ashtrays ideology is rather the ideology of
the pinball machine, or of the video game: the demonstration that
a game in play is its own treatise on the nature of the world we live
in and our interactions within it. Fly Ashtrays lyrics are generally
extremely funny, though how funny they are usually doesnt dawn
on you until the fifth or sixth listen, which makes quoting them fairly
pointless. I got the giggles for fifteen minutes while washing the
dishes after hearing the line Were poor/and have been
up to heretofore in Sawgrass Subligettes title
track, but youd have to hear it yourself to see how communicative
a line it is. Indeed, the whole album, and most of James Kavoussis
other work, falls into the youd-have-to-hear-it-yourself side
of things. Most of the adjectives in my critical arsenal, set to the
task of trying to say what Fly Ashtray sounds like, end up sounding
like theyre describing something else. |