Where to begin with Fly Ashtray? They’re the only band left practicing the sort of guys-chasing-Roald-Dahl-through-an-airplane-hangar feel that’s their unique domain; the overall sound is vaguely evocative of a bunch of bands from the 1980s, some of them immortals, some of them vaguely interesting half-remembered outposts of unrealized potential. Name any one of these bands, though, and immediately you’re struck by the size of the gulf between the named band and what Fly Ashtray sounds like. They sound like Translator, they sound like pre-Murmur R.E.M . in a room full of nitrous with an aide from the U of G library improvising vocals while Stipe lies bound and gagged in front of a TV showing reruns of Lost in Space; they sound like Television with a vintage Danelectro and Verlaine’s guitar parts shipped over to Jamaica for reworking by Scientist, they sound like Pere Ubu minus the untenable ambition, they sound like the Ventures with nasty head colds and visions of the Pulitzer Prize, they sound like a bunch of guys using water bongs as musical instruments, they sound like the Ohio Express and the Thirteenth Floor Elevators collaborating on a never-issued collective response to Sergeant Pepper, Blonde on Blonde, Their Satanic Majesties’ Request, and George Shearing in Deep Velvet. No, they don’t. The don’t sound like any of that.

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