When we got done picturing
Tom Seaver with his lips to a twelve-foot bong, though, we thought
about the broad gap between what public organizations pretend to think
of as societys standards and what those standards actually are.
Every story I found regarding the Mets clubhouse of iniquity
featured somebody from the Mets organization stressing that the allegations
hadnt yet been substantiated, and that should they be substantiated
heads would surely roll, because this sort of thing is just unacceptable
in our national pasttime and after all the kids look up to these players,
et cetera. All sorts of empty posturing rooted in no reality we know.
As if it werent common knowledge that Dock Ellis of the Pittsburgh
Pirates once pitched a perfect game while frying on LSD. As if there
were any doubt about whether Daryl Strawberry didnt make some
completely incredible plays while high. As if the Dallas Cowboys hadnt
won Super Bowls while coked to the gills. |