The list goes on, doubtless
forever, but we dont really know, because our newsmedia outlets
and the people who feed them their stories pretend that everyone believes
its abnormal to take drugs. It isnt, of course, and nobody
really thinks it is; almost everyone has tried one drug or another
somewhere along the line, usually not just once but over a period
of time, and plenty of people continue to do so when the opportunity
presents itself and the occasion seems right. Naturally its
also true that some people become addicted, and will ruin their own
lives as well as those of anyone who comes within spitting distance
of them, but thats not the issue here. The issue is whats
really normal and whats pretend-normal, and whether it does
anybody any good to insist that a little potsmoking among friends
damages the integrity of the game when Babe Ruths legendary
drinking & whoremongering failed to do so. The issue, in short,
is that I saw High on Fire this week, and the first thing I thought
of when Matt Pike, shirtless, stepped up to the mic, was that the
Mets could use him in their PR department. |