Now, Kataklysm is not the first band a person
thinks of when the words death metal are mentioned; theyre
not even the second or the third. They have a fondness for melodic
guitar lines, and their vocalist hasnt got the nether-region
growl thats the watermark of the genre. They dont worship
at the altar of Trey
Azagthoth. Like fellow Canadian death-metal overlords Gorguts,
their attention to the overall feel of an album is refreshingly sharp;
unlike a number of death-metal bands, theyre not afraid to dip
now and again into the black-metal palette. So their
death-metal credentials are suspect in the eyes of the purists. But
its important to remember that purists are only interesting
at an arms length; up close, theyre crashing bores, and
their record collections almost never have the cool little out-of-the-way
I-never-heard-of-this-before pockets that are the cornerstones of
any good record collection. |